Any money you are able to provide will go directly to running the community centre, and will cover costs such as: the rent of our community centre, school fees and books for the kids, materials and sewing machines for women who will be trained as seamstresses, delivery of food and hygiene products to self-made camp’s, and kitchen costs. Every donation is more than welcome and will make a difference to the lives of the Syrian and Turkish families who benefit from our Community Centre.
At the moment it is possible to donate via a direct transfer to our Turkish bank account or by transferring money over for example Western Union. If you want to do so, please contact Anne O’Rorke for more information:
TIAFI TL Account
Name: Uluslararasi Yardimlasma ve Entegrasyon Dernegi
IBAN. TR67 0006 4000 0013 4003 2018 97
TIAFI Euro Account
Name: Uluslararasi Yardimlasma ve Entegrasyon Dernegi
IBAN: TR65 0006 4000 0023 4002 5579 45
People who want lend a helping hand are very welcome. We do have two basic rules for anyone interested in volunteering. 1. You have to stay at least 7 days full time and 2. you have to ensure your own funding for the duration of your stay. Unfortunately, we do not have the funds to financially support volunteers as every Lira we raise goes towards supporting the Centre, but we encourage anyone interested in volunteering with us to seek out alternative sources of funding. Apply via by stating your name, residency and when you want to volunteer and we will get back to you with an application form as soon as possible. Volunteer now:
Buy our handmade bags or clothing
All our products, bags and jewellery, are unique and handmade by the Syrian refugee women attending our workshop. You can receive the bags as a gift, in exchange for a suggested donation that will be used to run our Community Centre. Please have a look at some of our bags at our TIAFI Donationlist and send an email to with your order, quantity, size and your Paypal donation reference. Please be aware that the cost of postage and packaging outside of Europe is not included. Through our Etsy shop you can buy our new clothing line with handmade elegant and comfortable dresses, blouses and more.
Last but not least you can help us by sharing our story. Not only by telling your friends and family about us, but also by following us on Facebook and Instagram. Like us there and share. We highly appreciate that.