TIAFI community centre
TIAFI (Team International Assistance for Integration or Uluslararası Yardımlaşma ve Entegrasyon Derneği in Turkish) is a non-profit grassroot organisation in Izmir. In 2017, TIAFI opened a large community centre in the multicultural and underprivileged Tepecik neighbourhood. With this centre, we – a group of Turkish, Syrian and other international people – aim to increase the empowerment, self-sufficiency and integration of vulnerable Syrian and Turkish families in Izmir.
Our centre is an inclusive and supportive safe-haven that is open every week day. We provide a range of services: individual support at our drop-in ‘TIAFI Info Point’ support desk, a kitchen with free warm lunches, exercise programs for kids with disabilities and creative, educational and skill-development activities for women and children.
Whereas we work mainly to address the individual needs of Syrian refugees, we extend our services to the wider local community where needed as we hope to improve the integration and strengthen social cohesion between Syrian and Turkish people in the community. Please click through the menu, scroll down for more information about our work or read our TIAFI Code of Governance.